Gardening Update, February 28, 2023

Gardening Update, February 28, 2023

It’s the last day of February and everything is waking up. We have mulberries growing on the mulberry trees, potatoes coming up in the garden, grass that is turning untried again, and carpenter bees eating our outbuildings.

Spring has sprung, and there are no frosts in sight.

I admit: I thought we had increasingly time than this. Normally we get one last frost near Easter, but it doesn’t seem to be the specimen this year.

Unless something freaky happens, it’s time to start planting tomatoes, corn, cucumbers, melons and all those warm-season crops.

What a weird winter! We had a devastatingly unprepossessed December, then a mostly summery winter without that – and now, there are new leaves growing everywhere!

Once I finish editing today’s video, I think we’ll have to spend some serious time in the garden.

The post Gardening Update, February 28, 2023 appeared first on The Survival Gardener.
